Our university has a significant impact on our students. Our motto, "Together stronger," underscores our commitment to promoting unity among students. To achieve this, we have developed a post-program social platform linked through our advanced education management system or study portal, which facilitates improved connectivity among students in the same cohort. Their profiles are visible to partner institutions and businesses for job referrals, paid online assignments, and volunteering opportunities for students and graduates. The aim is to bring together a group of like-minded individuals who share the same educational path for their collective benefit in terms of their professional growth and advancement.
We offer financial aid to eligible students, enabling them to pursue their goals and fulfill their aspirations.
It may be possible for you to apply previously earned credits, which could reduce the time required to earn your degree.
Our graduates come from over 65 different nationalities, resulting in the formation of a distinctive community.
According to Erika Martin, Vice President of Enrollment Management at NYMU, we place a strong emphasis on having a diverse student body because we believe that exposure to a variety of viewpoints provides students with the opportunity to learn from one another.