Graduate Course Certificate in Education in Curriculum & Instruction

  • Eligibility Criteria

    Bachelor's degree, or equiv. International Education

  • Credit Hours


  • Courses Offered


  • Course Duration

    3 Months (Self-Paced) Program

  • Estimated Fee


Courses Offered

A graduate certificate offered by NYMU is respected by many accreditation authorities worldwide and the decree that t holds will serve to create a line of fantastic job opportunities that will eventually progress your career.

Curriculum Design (CUI-042)

  In Section 1 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Introduction To Curriculum Design
     Theory And Design
  In Section 2 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Philosophy And Design
     Defining Purposes
  In Section 3 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Organizing The Macro Curriculum
  In Section 4 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Instruction And Pedagogy
  In Section 5 of this course you will cover these topics:

Strategies For Multicultural Education (CUI-082)

  In Section 1 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Multicultural Schools: What, Why, And How
     The Nature Of Culture And The Contexts For Multicultural Teaching
  In Section 2 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Race Relations And The Nature Of Prejudice  
     European Americans, Jewish Americans, And African Americans
  In Section 3 of this course you will cover these topics:
     American Indians, Latinos, Asians, Muslims, And Arabs In The United States  
     Learning Styles: Interactions Between Culture And The Individual  
  In Section 4 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Reaching All Learners: Perspectives On Gender, Class, Ethnicity And Special Needs
     Teaching Concepts And Strategies: The Development Of Positive Classroom Climates
  In Section 5 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Multicultural Curriculum Development: A Decision-Making Model And Lesson Plans  

Advanced Methods In Foreign Language Teaching (CUI-546)

  In Section 1 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Incorporating Research On Daily Basis
     Activities That Appeal Multiple Intelligence
  In Section 2 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Revitalizing The Basics
  In Section 3 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Getting Over The Rough Spots
  In Section 4 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Instruction And Alternative Assessments In Literature
  In Section 5 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Incorporating Technology

Classroom Management (CUI-628)

  In Section 1 of this course you will cover these topics:
     The Healthy Classroom
     The Healthy Classroom Teacher
  In Section 2 of this course you will cover these topics:
     The Foundation Of Healthy Classroom Motivation
     Motivation: Acceptance And Significance
  In Section 3 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Motivation: Feeling Capable
     Motivation: Health And Safety
  In Section 4 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Communication Skills
     Communication: Resolution And The Class Meeting
  In Section 5 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Discipline: Discipline Styles And The Goals Of Behavior
     Discipline: Rules, Consequences, And Controlling The Physical Environment

Instruction Planning (TEA-652)

  In Section 1 of this course you will cover these topics:
     The Role Of Theory In Learning And Instruction
     Early Behaviorist Theories
     Gestalt Psychology: The Cognitive Perspective
  In Section 2 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Influences On Theory And Research
     The Human Brain
     B.F. Skinners Operant Conditioning
  In Section 3 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Robert Gagnés Conditions Of Learning
     Cognitive Perspectives I: The Processing Of Information
     Cognitive Perspectives Ii: Metacognition And Problem Solving
  In Section 4 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Jean Piagets Cognitive Development Theory
     Lev S. Vygotskys Cultural-Historical Theory Of Psychological Development
  In Section 5 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Albert Bandura’S Social-Cognitive Learning Theory
     Cognitive Models And Theories Of Academic Motivation

Why Choose New York Metropolitan University

New York Metropolitan University is the name of excellence, and we emphasize fully working on the future of our students just so they can reach their true potential. Our unparalleled campus experience allows students of all races and religions to excel in their abilities. Here, you are not just growing in your educational career; you can also focus on and enhance your extracurricular activities. We are passionate about providing you with the best overall experience before you enter your professional career path. However, the real career paths of students begin with us.