Graduate Certificate in Criminal Justice in Corrections

  • Eligibility Criteria

    Bachelor's degree, or equiv. International Education

  • Credit Hours


  • Courses Offered


  • Course Duration

    1 Month (Self-Paced) Program

  • Estimated Fee


Courses Offered

A graduate certificate offered by NYMU holds the highest decree regarding the discovery of your potential and career growth, one that ambitious students set a goal for.

Fundamentals Of Correctional Counseling (COR-387)

  In Section 1 of this course you will cover these topics:
     The Notion Of Special Needs Offender
     Risk Assessment, Diagnosis, Classification, And Recidivism Prediction Of Offenders
     Substance Abusers And Substance Abuse Programs
     Offenders With Communicable Diseases
  In Section 2 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Mentally Disordered Offenders; Commonalities, Assessment And Treatment
     Offenders With Learning Disabilities And Mental Retardation
     Special Needs Of Early Childhood Offenders
  In Section 3 of this course you will cover these topics:
     The Child Adolescent Offender As A Special Needs Offender
     Gang Members As Special Needs Offenders
     Juvenile Sex Offenders As Special Needs Offenders
  In Section 4 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Adult Sex Offenders
     Domestic Batterers As Special Needs Offenders
     Female Offender As Special Offenders
  In Section 5 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Special Needs Of Geriatric Offenders
     Restorative Justice, Mediation, And Sentencing Circles: Their Applicability To Special Needs Offenders Who Are On Probation Or Parole
     Predictions And Suggestions For The Future Processing Of Special Needs Offenders

Introduction To Crime And Punishment (COR-402)

  In Section 1 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Early History (2000 B.C. To A.D. 1800) 
     Prisons (1800 To The Present)
     Correctional Ideologies: The Pendulum Swings
     Appellate Review
  In Section 2 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Jails And Detention Facilities
     Intermediate Sanctions
     State And Local Prison Systems
  In Section 3 of this course you will cover these topics:
     The Federal System
     Private Sector Systems
     Custody Functions
     Management And Treatment Functions
  In Section 4 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Female Offenders
     Male Offenders
     Juvenile Offenders
     Special Category Offenders
  In Section 5 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Inmate And Ex-Offender Rights
     The Death Penalty–The Ultimate Right
     Parole And Reentry
     The Futures Of Corrections

Why Choose New York Metropolitan University

New York Metropolitan University is the name of excellence, and we emphasize fully working on the future of our students just so they can reach their true potential. Our unparalleled campus experience allows students of all races and religions to excel in their abilities. Here, you are not just growing in your educational career; you can also focus on and enhance your extracurricular activities. We are passionate about providing you with the best overall experience before you enter your professional career path. However, the real career paths of students begin with us.