Undergraduate Certificate in Computer Science in Web Development

  • Eligibility Criteria

    High school diploma, GED or equiv. International Education

  • Credit Hours


  • Courses Offered


  • Course Duration

    2 Months (Self-Paced) Program

  • Estimated Fee


Courses Offered

An undergraduate certificate offered by NYMU guarantees endless opportunities that will secure your path of career elevation. The certifications allow you to expand your skill set and increases prospects of growth in your career.

Introduction To Data Communications (WEB-037)

  In Section 1 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Introduction To Data Communications
     Physical Layer Fundamentals
     Data Link Layer Fundamentals
  In Section 2 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Components Of A Local Area Network
     Network, Transport, And Application Layer Services
  In Section 3 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Backbone And Metropolitan Area Network Fundamentals
     Wide Area Networking Fundamentals
  In Section 4 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Servers In The Enterprise
     Enterprise Solutions
  In Section 5 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Securing The Enterprise
     Trends In Business Data Communications

Internet And World Wide Web (WEB-215)

  In Section 1 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Introduction To Computers And The Internet 2
     Web Browser Basics: Internet Explorer And Firefox 28
     Introduction To Xhtml 118
     Cascading Style Sheets
     Javascript: Control Statements
     Java Script Control Statement
  In Section 2 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Javascript: Functions
     Javascript: Arrays 362
     Javascript: Objects
     Document Object Model (Dom):
     Javascript: Events
  In Section 3 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Xml And Rss
     Ajax-Enabled Rich Internet Applications
     Building An Interactive Game 683
     Rich Internet Applications
  In Section 4 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Microsoft® Silverlight™ And Rich Internet Applications 770
     Adobe® Dreamweaver
     Rich Internet Application Server Technologies
  In Section 5 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Ruby On Rails
     Javaserver™ Facesweb Applications
     Ajax-Enabled Javaserver
     Web Services

Fundamentals Client Side Programming (WEB-313)

  In Section 1 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Using Javascript  
     Introduction To Object-Oriented Programming  
  In Section 2 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Understanding The Javascript Object Model  
     Working With Variables  
  In Section 3 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Using Pop-Up Windows  
     Working With If Statements  
  In Section 4 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Understanding Functions  
     Reacting To Events  
  In Section 5 of this course you will cover these topics:
     Exploring The Document Object  
     Exploring The Window Object  

Why Choose New York Metropolitan University

New York Metropolitan University is the name of excellence, and we emphasize fully working on the future of our students just so they can reach their true potential. Our unparalleled campus experience allows students of all races and religions to excel in their abilities. Here, you are not just growing in your educational career; you can also focus on and enhance your extracurricular activities. We are passionate about providing you with the best overall experience before you enter your professional career path. However, the real career paths of students begin with us.